Keeping Our Community Beautiful- The Passion of Citizens to Beautify Albion

Have you ever wondered who cares for the beautiful flowers on the side of the roads in Albion? It may not be who you think it is. It is Citizens to Beautify Albion. Driven by the hard work of volunteers and members, President Juanita Solis-Kidder and Vice President Kay Knight gave some closer insights to the passionate organization.

Started in 1985 by Richard and Elverta Weatherford, the grassroots organization Citizens to Beautiful Albion began “with the vision of bringing the beauty of flowers for everyone to enjoy”, Solis-Kidder said. The Weatherfords were inspired by the places they saw in their travels across the United States and Canada thinking, “why can’t Albion do this?”

Now Citizens to Beautify Albion is a non-profit organization working endlessly to keep the Albion community beautiful. Knight explained that “a beautiful surrounding reflects the love, care, and pride of its citizens.” Their volunteer-based organization maintains various gardens all over Albion including Weatherford Memorial Garden and the flowerpots downtown Albion. For most, it is deeper than just putting flowers in public places, it is sharing the beauty and love that countless people hold for Albion. Solis-Kidder emphasized her hopes to inspire others to want to do more for Albion.

Being a non-profit means that they are always looking for support through fundraisers and generous donors. A large fundraiser that Citizens to Beautify Albion organizes is Men Who Cook. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Men Who Cook has not occurred for a few years, however, on Sunday, Feburary 11, 2024 Men Who Cook is coming back. The event is based on the service of men in the Albion community who prepare a dish to be served at the ticketed event. It is a fun way to support Citizens to Beautify Albion and learn about the dishes our community members prepare. As Knight exclaimed, it “is a beloved city-wide event that brings together hundreds of Albion’s citizens for food and fellowship.”

Citizens to Beautify Albion also has an established endowed fund at the Albion Community Foundation. Donations to this fund help with the endowment for the longevity of the organization. The purpose of the fund is to support the work of Citizens to Beautify Albion through the preparation, planting, and care of flowers as well as other enhancements to the beauty of the Albion community.

Another way that Citizens to Beautify Albion receive financial support is through volunteering at Run Albion. Run Albion is an annual three race 5K series in Albion that celebrates the past, present, and future of Albion. A core value of Run Albion is giving back to the community through the support of non-profits. When an organization volunteers to work a Run Albion race, they receive a donation. At this past Run Albion race in June, Citizens to Beautify Albion was one volunteering organization. As Knight explained, the financial support from Run Albion helps purchase the immediate supplies needed such as flowers, fertilizer, and soil. It also helps with more long-term projects such as “pocket” gardens that require benches, planters, and concrete. It helps continue the mission of bring the beauty of flowers to the community for all the enjoy.

Knight reiterated the Margaret Mead quote, “Never doubt that a small group of individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”