Sparking Interest in STEM with Caroline Hurteau, Brick by Brick Podcast Guest

For students who haven’t found that thing that lights them up, robotics can be that.

Caroline Hurteau, is involved in various local initiatives in Albion, dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Albion. One of Hurteau’s biggest engagements is with INNOVATE Albion, a local STEM education hub. As the Executive Director, Hurteau has played a crucial role in promoting STEM education in the Albion community.

INNOVATE Albion focuses on providing training and resources in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, offering programs such as “Girls Who Code”, summer programming, and robotics teams to help nurture the next generation of innovators. As Hurteau has worked with the students over the years, she has seen the impact of the kids finding their spark. INNOVATE Albion is providing access to a field some students may not even know existed. This spark led the high school robotics team, NERD Spark, to the world robotics championship this spring, FIRST Championship.

NERD Spark was one of 86 teams from Michigan to qualify and participate in FIRST Championship in Houston. This accomplishment is discussed in the episode 16 of the Brick by Brick Podcast. Available wherever you stream – Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and on our website here.