Homestead Savings Bank Century Celebration with the Greater Albion Chamber of Commerce

This year may be Homestead Savings Bank 134th anniversary, but they are also celebrating being members of the Greater Albion Chamber of Commerce in 1923 and 2023. When talking with the President and CEO of Homestead, Scott Evans expressed how the support of the Chamber of Commerce and the community has allowed for Homestead to thrive over the past 134 years.

Homestead is more than just a bank as they are largely involved in the Albion community. A part of Homestead’s community initiative, every staff member must participate in at least one community event, and the executive management is required to be a part of another organization’s board. Evans elaborated on Homestead’

s reason of involvement stating that “we realize how important it is for us to not only to invest in our financial resources but our human resources.” Throughout the years, Homestead has sponsored countless events and organizations. This year alone Homestead has tracked 151 hours of involvement throughout their staff, being a member of the Chamber of Commerce has allowed for these involvements and connections. Evans emphasized how the Chamber of Commerce has allowed for Homestead to expand their business development through meeting new people and strengthen the existing bonds. Membership has allowed for Homestead to better understand what is going on in the community through connections and communication.

When Evans joined Homestead in 2015, the bank was mostly a residential mortgage lender. But through the support of new staff and the Chamber of Commerce connections, Homestead has successfully expanded into commercial lending. Evans described that as a bank Homestead does not solely compete with local companies rather national ones too. “Even in banking it’s shop local, the Chamber can certainly help communicate that.”

Homestead Savings Bank will be celebrating their 134th anniversary and century celebration June 21st with Albion After Hours at 5PM. There will be cake, live music, historical presentations and more. There is plenty to do the 21st including Albion After Hours, the Wildflower Crossing Ribbon Cutting, Fête de la Musique, and the French Market at the Farmer’s Market. And as Evans expressed “I am so grateful for the community supporting Homestead, and Homestead supporting the community.”