Filling the Gaps in Media with Maddie Davis, Brick by Brick Podcast Guest

Maddie Davis is filling the gaps in media with her new children’s book May’s Big Day. Maddie is a current senior at Albion College finishing up her capstone project, a children’s book about a young Autistic girl navigating the Festival of the Forks in Albion, Michigan.

While completing her service work as a Build Albion Fellow, Maddie had the opportunity to expand the accessibility accommodations at Kids ‘N’ Stuff Children’s Museum. She developed sensory friendly events and materials for any family. As she worked on this, Maddie developed a passion for representation and accessibility, leading her capstone project. As a Build Albion Fellow it is required to complete a capstone project or final project that culminates your four years in college. Maddie is currently studying English Secondary and Elementary Education. Her goal is to be an elementary school teacher. Combining her passion for representation and education, Maddie developed May’s Big Day. Being from Albion and experiencing the Festival of the Forks countless times herself, Maddie was able to write a book that help families navigate the busy day with sensory friendly businesses.

Hear about the book yourself in episode 14 of the Brick by Brick Podcast. Streaming wherever you listen to podcasts or on our website. You can also meet Maddie this Saturday, April 20th at Kids ‘N’ Stuff Children’s Museum for her story time.