Adventure Seeking Albion Scouts Go on a Community Supported Trip

About one month ago, the local Scouts, Troop 158B and 158G, went on an amazing trip to West Virginia with the support of the Albion community. On July 21st, the Scouts took off with a mission of visiting the National Jamboree for a day. The Jamboree is a time for Scouts from across the nation to gather and experience the true opportunity of scouting with activities like paintballing, fishing, patch trading, and other educational opportunities. As the drive to West Virginia is over six hours, there were some exciting adventures along the way including a day at the National Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio, a caving expedition, and the opportunity to go white-water rafting. After the trip I was able to sit down with the Scouts and their leaders to learn more about the adventures and the great support they received from Albion.

From the six Scouts I had the opportunity to talk to, they were all in agreement that the white-water rafting was their overall favorite part. Some said they enjoyed being out on the water, while others admitted they liked the risk of falling out, but it was more so an opportunity to have fun in the water and learn about water safety. It seemed the most common theme among the Scouts was their enjoyment of the thrill-seeking adventures that the trip allowed for them to be a part of.

As I talked with the leaders of the Scouts, I learned that one of the biggest reasons they wanted the Scouts to go on this trip was to expose them to opportunities that are outside of Albion. It is important for people, especially children, to be exposed to the outside world so they can bring their knowledge and lessons to the community that has supported them. Scout Master, Dave Huber raved about how well behaved the Scouts were on the trip. He said that they all handled themselves very well and in the Scout way. Some of the key Scout values are courteous, kindness, and friendliness, and it seems like those characteristics are sinking in.

Albion Scouting received financial support from the local Albion Area Philanthropic Women, Albion-Homer United Way, Albion American Legion Post 55, Masonic Lodge of Marshall, and Men Who Give. Scout Master, Sam Porter shared that with this support they were able to take the Scouts on more activities than just driving straight to West Virginia and back. The funds also allowed for more flexibility during the trip when everything did not go according to plan. It assisted with food and lodging, as well as lowered the cost to go on the trip, making it more accessible to any Scout that wanted to go. As I talked with the Scouts, they shared glimpses of stories and giggled at memories, showing me the life-long impact that opportunities such as this can have on the youth in our community.

If you are interested in learning more about Albion Scouting contact Sam Porter at

Written by Cassidy Porter