Swingin’ at the Shell- The Mission and Passion Behind the Organization

Swingin’ at the Shell is approaching their 19th season of free summer concerts at Victory Park. With this, I talked with Stephanie Dobbins, Swingin’ at the Shell Board President, about the history of the organization and why she is passionate about its mission, as well as statements from other board members on the importance of Swingin’ at the Shell.

Swingin’ at the Shell hosted their first summer concert series in 2004 with the mission to “provide a variety of family-friendly musical entertainment to the community of Albion.” In the beginning, it was a way to bridge the gap of live music from the community band concerts to the Festival of the Forks. Over the years, it has evolved and grown into an Albion tradition.

There is also a sense of love and pride for the Victory Park bandshell that houses the concert series. Through the generous support of the Christie and Tony de Nicola Family Gift to the Albion Community Foundation, the William and Karen Dobbins Family Foundation, and Caster Cares TM, the bandshell has gone through some much-needed renovations recently. The approximate $110,000 renovation includes work on the electrical systems, roof repairs, painting of the facade, as well as the addition of concrete paths throughout the lawn for more accessible seating. To read more about the renovations to the bandshell, check out the previous article “Victory Park Bandshell Renovation”.

Swingin’ at the Shell is a non-profit organization that is supported by numerous sponsors, including: Caster CaresTM, Team One Plastics, Homestead Savings, John & Jan Shedd, Oaklawn Hospital, the Albion Community Foundation, the Gar and Dorothy Dickerson Concert Fund, … Through this generous support, Swingin’ at the Shell is able to bring high-quality entertainment to Albion.

As you can imagine, selecting music for eight concerts can be a daunting task. How do you choose? Dobbins shared that observation of the crowd is the best way to gauge music preferences. Bringing in bands that are family-friendly for multiple generations to enjoy is key. Audiences generally like tunes that are familiar and upbeat. People want to come out on Sunday evening and sing along with songs that they know, so this season there are quite a few tribute bands. Dobbins informed me that tribute bands are especially popular over the nation due to the rise of pop-culture nostalgia. In line with this trend, this summer you’ll see tributes like Wanted – a Bon Jovi Tribute, Old Days – a Chicago Tribute, The McCartney Project, a celebration of Shania Twain, and Simply Queen.

Each board member of Swingin’ at the Shell has their own reasons for caring so passionately about the organization. One of the biggest commonalities between all the members I spoke with was their love for community connection. Swingin’ at the Shell allows for shared experiences and joy within our community. Secretary of the Board, Caroline Hurteau stated that she is proud to help create the Swingin’ at the Shell opportunities year after year because the organization “is a unique opportunity for community members to come together, share an experience and connect over a common interest.” Emily Verbeke, Treasurer of the Board, agreed with Hurteau and expanded on the idea that “when we come together and share memories about music, we enjoyed at different stages of our lives and across generations, we strengthen our bonds.”

Dobbins explained that as her role has changed in the non-profit over the years, her love for the organization, its mission, and its audience has only grown. The positive exposure of Albion to those who attend concerts from the surrounding communities encourages folks to come back and spend more time here. Seeing so many people come together each week is a beautiful sight, and a reminder to take care of this place and each other. There is much for us to be proud of here.

Join the community connections at the first concert in the series this summer July 23rd at 6PM with Phillip Michael Scales, an independent artist combing the styles of blues and indie rock into what he calls “Dive Bar Soul”. For the full line-up visit swinginattheshell.com.

Think Music, Think Albion TM, and we’ll see you at the bandshell!

Photos provided by Brick Street Marketing.