2024 Troop 158 & 158G Eagle Scout Projects

Scouting America is a national program providing leadership, character building, and community service through hands on work with an emphasis the outdoors. A part of Scouting is earning the rank of Eagle Scout, it’s the highest rank of the program with only one in four Scouts achieving it. When becoming an Eagle Scout, the youth must complete an “Eagle Scout Project”. This project is meaningful to the Scout and helpful to the community. It is a way for Scouts to also practice their leadership skills. In 2024, two Scouts from Albion’s Troop 158 completed their projects: Americus Hawkey and Ian Verbeke.

Americus Hawkey – Riverside Cemetery Flagpole

Focusing on her family connections to the military, Americus Hawkey gave flagpoles at Riverside Cemetery some much needed attention. In her Eagle Scout project, Americus installed a new flagpole and concrete pad in the cemetery for the newly established Space Force. She also corrected the order of the flags and installed plaques. Americus will be the female Eagle Scout in Albion.

Americus Hawkey & Scout Leader Dave Huber at New Flagpole in riverside cemetery.

Ian Verbeke – Bike Repair Stations & Trailside Cleaning

Stemming from his love of bike riding, Ian Verbeke installed two bike repair stations in Albion. A major component to Albion is the trails. Connecting our community to other cities and even states, we have had bike visitors from across the nation. This project emphasized the need for bike maintenance in the community by installing repair stations in Victory Park and McIntosh Park. Along with the stations, Ian coordinated trail side cleaning in for a more accessible and safe riding experience.

Ian Verbeke & Bike Repair Station in McIntosh Park.