4-H Creative & Expressive Arts- The Opportunity of Learning

  4-H Creative & Expressive Arts has been an opportunity for rising 6th to 12th graders for over 25 years in Albion, creating generations of youth impact. This program is an amazing opportunity for students to not only have an outlet to learn singing, dancing, and acting, but also acquire real life skills such as leadership, critical thinking, and communication. After speaking with Marquetta Frost and Sherry Grice, the 4-H Creative & Expressive Arts Coordinators, and Kathryn Fischer, the 4-H Supervisor & Staff Development Educator, I learned just how truly special 4-H is.

Rooted in youth development, 4-H is a national program whose mission is to “give young people access to opportunity”. The Albion opportunity is the 4-H Creative & Expressive Arts Program. Students get to learn performing art skills from other youth leaders that culminates in a public performance at the end of the summer. Frost explained that Albion is unique as this program is youth lead and youth taught in the disciplines. The youth leaders plan and write an entire play through the six-week program. This leads to more than just performing art skills. Students learn problem solving, interview skills, as well as writing skills. The role that the coordinators then take on, as Grice emphasized, is being the support system for the leaders, to guide and train them in leadership roles. This year, 4-H’s play is about the history of the Festival of the Forks. The leaders have been talking with local historians and gathering information to have an educational and fun performance this summer.

Besides learning and preparing for the end of summer performance, during the summer program different workshops are taught surrounding team building, writing directions, and so much more. Frost expanded on that 4-H allows for students to learn “what door is right for them” as they are being introduced to the world and opportunities. And for most students, this program is one of the only activities keeping them busy in the summer. Grice explained how 4-H bridges each school year with opportunities to write, speak, and gain confidence in front of others. This program offers opportunities to all students.

4-H doesn’t end when the summer does, as opportunities are year-round. Just a few weeks ago, seven leaders went to the Michigan State University Exploration Days. This camp exposes the participants to college life through dorm living, cafeteria food, and going to classes. Fischer reflected that this gives students an opportunity to know that they capable of college and can achieve great things. Grice explained how it is a great opportunity to show students how to “navigator their future”. The program understands that there is more than just college, but exposing students to opportunities and options they may never have thought of, is at the forefront of their mission. 4-H leaders and performers also do year-round activities such as fundraising at the Festival of the Forks, performing at events such as Juneteenth, Walk the Beat, and the Calhoun County Fair.

There is even an opportunity for kindergarten through 5th graders to get involved in the afterschool program, Spin Club. This program offers career preparation, character building, service learning, and team skills to the young population. It is also a great way for the youth to gain exposure to all the great opportunities that 4-H has to offer.

After participants age out, there continues to be opportunities of engagement. Frost enlightened me to the Generation Force program that prior passionate and appreciative Albion area 4-H participants began to help fundraise for the program. This really shows the service and caring mindset that 4-H instills. And as Grice reflected, having Generation Force’s support helps with the longevity of the program.

Besides the generosity and work of Generation Force, 4-H works with local partners and grants to make these opportunities possible for the youth. At the June meeting, 4-H was one of the recipients of the Albion Area Philanthropic Women donations. The Albion Area Philanthropic Women is a group of over 100 Albion area women passionate about making an impact in the community and have been doing so since 2007. 4-H also receives state and local support with partners including the Bohm Theatre for the use of space, Dickerson Music’s support of sound, and the Calhoun County 4H Council. The funding helps support the operations of the summer programming, but also allow for other opportunities such as seeing a play in Detroit or going to Michigan State University for a basketball game.

Fischer emphasized how impactful it is to see the youth be able to navigate, learn, and teach about the world they are experiencing. Don’t miss out on being a part of this amazing program. Stay tuned for the soon to be determined public performance date of 2023.